Insects Control Services


Insect size ranges from 1/8-inch to more than 1/4-inch in length. The most commonly encountered species are found at the smaller end of this size scale. Their color ranges from black to dark brown to red and black. The smaller species are typically uniformly dark in color.

They feed on a wide variety of foods, and may contribute to ant infestations in homes and other buildings. Most infestations are the result of insects searching for food.


Tips for Control

  • Eliminating pipes of lumber, bricks, or other debris that could serve as a nesting site for ants.
  • Keeping landscape mulch less than 2 inches thick and at least 12 inches away from foundations.
  • Ensuring the sprinkler system does not spray directly onto the foundation.
  • Sealing as many cracks in the building`s exterior as possible.
  • Keeping tree and shrub branches trimmed to prevent touching the building.